Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lindsay Lohan, Ankle Monitor Go Bar Hopping

Just because she has a SCRAM bracelet strapped to her ankle doesn't mean Lindsay Lohan intends to scram from nightclubs. Hey, clubbing isn't a probation violation!

In what appears to be the worst decision of all time, the train wreck threw herself back into the thick of temptation last night, bar hopping through Hollywood until 2.

Lindsay Lohan was not seen with an alcoholic beverage, and it appears the SCRAM did not go off ... unless she found a new, clever way to defeat the ankle bracelet.

She's tampered with them in the past ... because she's had to wear an ankle monitor in the past, natch. Lindsay kicked off a night of non-partying at Bar Marmont.


Blondes totally have more fun ... ankle monitors and all!

Then she rolled over to Las Palmas, where she partied 'til the bar closed. It's like she's rubbing it in the face of celebrity gossip cameras dying to watch her eff up.

Remember, the judge has barred Lohan from any alcohol intake between now and July 6. If she violates the judge's orders, her $100,000 bail may be revoked ASAP.

Is she flirting with disaster by hitting the party scene? Or proving she can still have a good time without booze? Or just faded on Ambien without anyone knowing?

Who will win this epic battle?

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